Family Goals

Family Goals Community

The Family Goals Community is currently open only to Christian couples (male and female).

Family Goals Membership Form

Welcome to Ephesians 525 and Proverbs 31 family Our vision is to build a community of families united by God’s love, motivated by a strong desire for mutual learning and modelling our marriages and family after the script of God’s Word

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For the purpose of celebrations
Do you agree to abide by the 'love-based rules' of the community?
Thank you once again for taking the time out to complete the form. Here are few things to note:
1) The community is founded on love and God’s Word and this is the basis of our gatherings.
2) We meet once in a month on 2nd Saturdays and 3rd Saturdays for P31 and E525 respectively, members are encouraged to please participate and contribute to the local community.
3) Upon submission, the form would be shared with the group admins for next steps.
4) Upon acceptance into the community, you would be added to the respective groups (whatsapp, wechat and skype).
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