Why Love and Light Seminars?



Love and Light Seminar is one of the annual events of Love Umbrella Network (LUN). It holds twice annually; one on December to prepare people for the oncoming year, and the other in June to help people evaluate and overcome self-sabotaging habits/actions and accelerate progress.

Love and Light is based on 1 John 2:10,

Whoever says he is in the light and hates his brother is still in darkness. Whoever loves his brother abides in the light, and in him there is no cause for stumbling.

1 John 2:10

This implies that our understanding and engagement of Love determines the quantum of Light we experience.

Love and Light Seminar aims at helping people understand the uncommon benefits of love, which includes ability to see perspectives, ideas and connections that are only activated by acts of love. As we help unveil the light-dimension of love, we seek to help people understand the working principles of love, create cultures of love; harness the power of love and benefit from the rewards of love.


The Objectives of Love and Light Seminar includes,

  1. To help people understand the Light dimension of Love and the working principles of love
  2. To inspire people to create cultures of love in the society and communities.
  3. To enlighten people to harness the power of love for societal good, and the world at large.
  4. To help people understand the rewards of love, and how to benefit from it.

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