Getting Started: Datacamp IGlow Scholarship



After receiving the success email of the application, for the datacamp-IGLOW scholarship, here are some of the steps to follow to successfully get started.

Step 1, Review Terms and Conditions

First of all, kindly read the terms and conditions of the scholarship. Kindly note that; Timely registration within the next two weeks is essential. Failure to register within this timeframe may result in removal and replacement from the program. Also, all participants must earn XP within the first four weeks to maintain their eligibility. Failure to do so may lead to warnings or removal.

Step 2, Create your Profile on Datacamp Platform

If you received the success email then an invitation has been sent to you using your registered email address.

  1. Log in into and create your profile if you do not have one already
  2. Ensure to Accept the license, and

Do ensure to do this as quick as possible, because unfilled slots become open for people on waiting list, and cancelled after 7days of unacceptance.

Kindly note that; Timely registration within the next two weeks is essential. Failure to register within this timeframe may result in removal and replacement from the program. Also, all participants must earn XP within the first four weeks to maintain their eligibility. Failure to do so may lead to warnings or removal.

Step 3, Join a Team and Community

There are teams that are created according to cohorts, to facilitate ease of learning and responding to enquiries. To join a community, kindly use the QR codes in your welcome email. If you did not see the QR code in the email, please feel free to send a message to us via email at, or message theloveworks on instagram, with program, registered name and email, eg; Iglow Fellowship 2024, Dave James,

Also, teams can be introduced for learner demography, such as chosen technologies, level of proficiencies etc.

Step 4, Start Learning (Available Paths or Tracks)

Yes, you can start learning as soon as possible. Learning Tracks refer to classes prepared to help you learn in a structured way. Here are the three types of tracks available;

A. Skilled Tracks; This is most helpful when you need to fill in certain data skills gap, such as powerBI, deep learning, python or data skills for business. You can use the assessment to to test your level of proficiency in a particular skill.

B. Career Tracks: This is for learners who want to make a career transition, or get a promotion to another role. Career tracks contains several skills required for a certain role and usually take from 30hours to 100hours to complete. For example, the Data Scientist with Python has 23 courses, 6 projects, 3 skill assessments and takes about 90hours to complete. At the end of the course, learners will gain hands on experience in data manipulation, data visualization, statistics and machine learning in python.

C. Custom Tracks: Are only available for enterprise customers.

Step 5, Assignments and Competitions

The assignment is designed to help our learners achieve their learning goals.

  1. A monthly assignment is given to each team, and the assignment is highlighted in the your dashboard.
  2. The assignment can be projects, assessments or tracks, aimed at encouraging progress in your chosen area of learning.
  3. Examples of Assignments could be to Earn a number of XP each month, which is by watching course videos and completing the tasks.

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